It all started in a small city in the heart of Poland - Łowicz. This area is the cradle of the textile industry in Europe. Here is our manufacturer and this our hometown. Our products and Our hearts.
All socks are OEKO-TEX certified, confirming their quality and the fact that they have been tested for all harmful substances. We do not use any gram of regenerated yarns, polyester or acrylic for production. We work only on the highest quality combed cotton yarn, bamboo yarn, mercerized yarn and merino wool.
For many years, socks were just socks - they were supposed to be invisible or not to play any role. We - as HESE - turn it around. Our socks can be not only a supplement - but also a styling center for our customers.
It doesn't matter what socks you choose every day - colorful, mismatched, with a long ribbing - or maybe classic, toned-down socks. Wear them proudly, Do not wonder if you will be comfortable taking your shoes off, Feel great - from head to toe :)
What is your mood today? Is it time to crazy llamas or classic white socks with a beautiful, hand-embroidered logo?
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